Sunday, 25 November 2012

When life gets in the way...

I don't like the expression “When life gets in the way...” It makes no sense... of course life gets in the way... it IS the way... no? That being said, I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed these past weeks (hence my sporadic posting). Things at work are crazy (in the best way!), Hubby and I are planning on buying our first home (major milestone, peeps!), we’ve also been running all over town catching up with friends and family... and while all of this is great – it’s also INTENSE. It is as though I have too many things on my plate and can’t seem to focus on any one in particular. Tell me I’m not the only one feeling this! ...Anyways, here are a few snapshots I haven’t had the time to share; hope you enjoy!

1. Walking into the bedroom to find that Hubby placed our watches one next to the other... it’s the small things that make us love our men so darn much. Am I right? / 2. Testing out BB creams and coming to the clear conclusion that Giorgio Armani’s Maestro Skin Perfector is the way to go. Read my review by clicking HERE / 3. Great quote: Aim for awesome! / 4. Beautiful Montreal / 5. My faithful Longchamp and Michael Kors shoes while traveling to San Diego a few weeks back / 6. Whatisadam’s Halloween wheat-paste spotted in Old Montreal with my friend MC after dinner at Gandhi.


  1. I admire the fact that you can do all this and still be so creative and positive. All these experiences will only make for better blog posts...and it's not the quantity that matters, but the quality!

  2. You must have practiced a lot since you're already all kinds of awesome! xoD

  3. Ladies, ladies! I'm blushing! xox

  4. Hang in there, best one! Love you, Mom J. xoxoxo
