Monday, 2 January 2012

A fresh start

A new year is always so exciting… full of promise, excitement and possible adventure. I plan on having a wonderful 2012 – I hope you do to!  To start off this blog... Here are a few things that I absolutely LOVE this week:

Yves Saint-Laurent Manicure Couture Duo Terriblement Noir. A French manicure that’s black on black? Yes.

François Vincent’s small gouache paintings on board form Galerie Lacerte. My heart melts.

Station 16’s new online shop ...and since I just recommended YSL, why not introduce you to Antoine Tavaglione’s LSY silkscreen. Edition of 15, signed and numbered.

And finally... Flo Rida’s Good Feeling A great start to a day… A good start to 2012!

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